Page 7 - April 2020 emag final
P. 7

Unsung Heroes

          Anne Bugden

          Anne (Annie) Bugden would be known to many members of Target Rifle Australia.
          She is the kindest and most giving person who has worked with disabled shooters
          over many years in several different capacities.

          She was a valuable member of many teams which participated in international
          competitions from World Cups to World Championships and Paralympic Games.
          Always calm, always there, always ready to help in any way  possible.   She was
          invaluable to the team as the Mrs Fixit, able to find a solution for any problems with wheelchairs, tables, rifles and
          so on.   Over the years she did much carrying of baggage and shooting gear and her quiet humour always seemed
          to settle anxious team members down.

          Annie Bugden is a very modest person who never seeks recognition for the wonderful work she does with the
          Paralympic shooters and indeed anyone else who needs help.

          Tracey Jackson was taught to shoot at a Come and Try by Annie.   She tells me that within six months she was in
          the Australian team and that Annie was by her side all the way.  They have recently completed a road trip together
          and Tracey says Annie is her best friend.

          Libby Kosmala, who was often Annie’s roommate, says that she was a very easy to get on with person, who was
          always ready to assist as needed, and a quiet personality who never changed.   You always knew where you stood
          with her.  She also said her ear plugs sometimes got a workout at night when Annie began to gently snore!

          Annie can be found on the firing line at local, interstate and international events making the Athletes and Team
          Manager’s life much easier; she can be found in the kitchen at events everywhere or on the line as an official, a
          scorer, providing helpful guidance to those in need. A true inspiration.

          Anne Bugden is most certainly an unsung hero.
          In the photo of Paralympic Team 2000 below, Anne is pictured on the left.

         Let’s try and get this moving...maybe you know someone in your club who goes that extra mile.
         We just need a bit of a story and photo and if possible a phone number so we can gain approval to print.
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