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         Heard that one before?  And what has been done to make it happen.

         Newspaper adverts / flyers in the local gun shop etc etc etc.

         Let’s look at what is required prior to encouraging an influx of new people.
         Firstly—your club need to be “ready” for new members.
         Are there sufficient coaches to help visitors and new members.  How many members
         have the TRA Instructor and/or Club accreditation or are willing to undergo this training.

         No point in having new people, who are left to their own devices, fumbling through the
         basics, and more than likely, not succeeding, and probably not renewing their membership
         in the following year.

         Are there sufficient Range Officers who can conduct a safe and effective club night/day.
         How many members have the TRA Range Officer or TRA Official’s accreditation or are
         willing to undergo this training.

         Does the club sufficient gear to lend to visitors/new members—or where can you
         borrow gear for a short period.  Remember that club members may gear that they are
         willing to lend, or donate to the cause.

         Can the range cope?  If your range is a 10 bay range, there will need to careful planning
         to ensure that the club members do not fell that they are being left out.  Often best to
         have the visitors in the first detail, and then while the visitors have a coffee, the club
         members get to shoot.

         Next come the plan
         The Club members as a complete group, need to support any plan to increase
         membership.  It will not be effective if this plan is supported by only a few, as those few
         will be doing all the work!

         The club needs to have an idea of how many new members it is capable of taking on, and
         what that goal number is, and over what period, as well as “what is our goal to achieve
         and how to do it”

         The “how it will be achieved” is the next thought—public advertising, story in the local
         paper, flyers in the local gun shop, and most importantly a “HAVE A GO DAY” or a
         system where the “first …… of the month is open to visitors” and advertise thi
                                                                                        Warren Potent s.
                                                                                     2014 World Champion
                                                                                  2014 Commonwealth Champion
                                                                                Warren uses Eley Tenex Ammunition

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