Page 5 - Nov emag2018
P. 5

Nerves are normal

           If a shooter tells you that they do not get nervous at the start of a big match they are probably lying.
           It is true that some competitors get a bit more worked up than others but that may be because they need to be more
           hyped up to shoot well.   Some level of arousal or excitement is necessary for all the senses to be fully alert.

           So, what are nerves?
           Have a look at the curve below – it is called a Normal Curve and is used in statistics and business but also in psychology.  It
           shows in pictorial form, levels of arousal that a human being can experience, from being almost asleep to being aroused
           to the highest level at the top of the curve.   The trick for shooters is to get themselves to the level that is right for them
           and allows them to perform at their best.

                     Fully aroused                                                       Over the Top

             Getting a bit excited

                                                                                         Totally shattered

             Almost asleep

                                                                                          A quivering mess

           It is all related to FEAR, or the fight or flight syndrome – a very basic instinct which comes from the earliest days of hu-
           mankind when, if you did not have this instinct well honed, you could become breakfast for another predator.   In order to
           survive, you had to have all your senses alert to the highest and most effective level.   In other words, be ready to fight for
           your life or run away as fast as you can.

           How to deal with nerves if they are affecting your performance.   There are a number of tricks/techniques you can try.
           Here are a few:
           Learn a relaxation technique

           Practice mental rehearsal
           Use positive thinking

           Get more competition experience
           "F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours." Zig Ziglar

           YH’s musings

           September 2018

           This has come out of watching and talking to the juniors in their first ever competition and my memory of being so

           nervous and shaking that I could not hold the rifle still because my hands were totally jittery.
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