Page 16 - JAN18
P. 16

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          Breathing and Rhythm

          One has to breath to live, but in shooting one has to stop breathing for a few
          seconds so that the rifle is as still as possible during the release of the shot. There are
          many rhythms to adopt, but the most preferred one is this: Breath normally for two
          or three breaths then, as the rifle settles on aim, relax your chest and slowly exhale.
          Keep your throat open to increase consistency in the amount of breath exhaled. If
          you do not get the shot off within a five to seven second period of holding the breath
          take a few breaths and try again.

          Do not dwell on aim admiring the sight picture, as the first sight picture is usually the
          best. Release the shot in an easy manner but do not hold on too long.  After firing,
          including the all-important follow through, start breathing again. Only then look
          through your telescope to see where the shot has gone.

          You will find when shooting outdoors it is easier to get a good sight picture as the
          lighting indoors is never as good as outside in the natural light. However, you will

          learn that there are also other interesting things to learn when shooting outdoors
          such as wind, which naturally effects the flight of the bullet and for which allowance
          has to be made.

          (Diagram adapted and reproduced from "On the Training of Shooters" by H Reinkemeir)


          Always remember that even the best of rifles and ammunition do not put all the
          shots into one hole, but shoot what is known as a group.

          This group, although it may be small, is a random pattern and when you first start
          shooting the grouping capability of you and your rifle may mean that this group is
          comparatively large. D

          o not worry it will soon get smaller. Initially you should not concern yourself if the
          group is not central on the target and certainly no not be concerned about the score,
          but only in improving the size of the group you are able to shoot.

         T R A   M A G A Z I N E — J A N U A R Y   2 0 1 8
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