Page 2 - TRA Benchrest Booklet
P. 2


                              BASIC TECHNICAL INFORMATION

            ❖     RIFLE – a single shot .22 smallbore rifle for 20, 50 & 90 metre shooting.
                  Note: always seek advice from experienced coaches or shooters prior to considering making any
                  purchase of new or second hand equipment.  Remember that these days, many benchrest stock are
                  specifically made to only shoot bench and shaped accordingly for greater stability.

                  Below are examples of both ISSF smallbore (left) and a typical Benchrest rifle (right)

            ❖        BULLET BLOCK – large enough to hold the required number of bullets, and has a lid to protect
                     the ammunition from rain and dust.
            ❖        HEARING PROTECTION & SHOOTING GLASSES – it is essential to use glasses, ear
                     muffs / plugs on the range.
            ❖        FIRM SOLED SHOES for benchrest shooting to provide a stable base for your position.
            ❖        AMMUNITION  - try to use the best ammunition that you can afford.

            ❖        RIFLE SCOPE MOUNTED ON TOP OF THE RIFLE. Magnification typically ranges from 24x
                     to 40x power– more on that later
            ❖        RESTS (Front and rear) To support the rifle on the Benchrest Table – more to follow.

            ❖        BENCHREST STOOL The Shooter uses it to sit at the “bench”.  While some may be available at
                     the club, plan to get your own – adjustable to precisely your height, and suited to your comfort.

            TRA Benchrest Hints                                   ©TRA Ltd                             Page  2
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