Page 3 - TRA Benchrest Booklet
P. 3


             Some more on the Equipment

               Rests.  Front….. ( typically a 3 legged metal rest with a “bag” arrangement on top to support
               the stock). May have multiple adjustment options for elevation (broad and fine) and windage
               adjustments.  Some models also have fine adjustment on all legs to set the rest perfectly level
               - as does the model shown below which also has a bubble level.  Also available in basic form
               without all the fancy adjustment features.  Its purpose is to hold the stock steady while you get
               ready, sight and then complete the shot.

               Rear…. (a “sandbag” with ears to support the Butt). Rear rests can come in a variety of heights
               with different height “ears” and varying gap sizes between the ears.  Good quality ones have a
               solid firm base, usually made from leather.  Fine sand is often used as a filler.


            Rifle Scopes are mounted on the Rifle with scope mounts.  Features to note :

            TRA competitions shoot as close as 20m. Make sure the scope focuses down to 20m or you will be
            looking through a blurry milk bottle, finding it very hard to shoot or sitting out of the competition!

            TRA competitions also shoot out to 90m, so you will need absolute minimum power of 25x
            magnification to define bullet holes in sunlight. Ideally go for 32x, 36x or even up to 40x
            magnification. Some scopes will have a magnification ring to vary the magnification, which often
            means more moving parts making them usually more expensive than a fixed power scope.

            Parallax adjustment. This means close focussing adjustment from 20m to infinity. Some scopes do
            not list their minimum parallax for good reason – look for a better scope!

            Clarity of optics in the glass. Good optical glass is paramount in clear vision to define bullet holes
            as close as 20m.  You get what you pay for. Buy right once and save long term.

            Try to ignore most of the confusing MOA clutter lines and angles, illuminated reticules and other
            flashy offerings that some scope manufacturers bring out. Select a scope with a simple cross hair
            and a single dot.

            TRA Benchrest Hints                                   ©TRA Ltd                             Page  3
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