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TRA Nationals Questionnaire

Target Rifle Australia is putting together a review committee to discuss the current and future format of the TRA National Championships for all TRA, ISSF and WSPS events. This group will make recommendations to the TRA Board regarding how future Nationals will be held.

As part of this review, the committee would like the opinion of individual members regarding the Nationals and so have put together a questionnaire. This questionnaire is design to gather the thoughts and ideas of the membership base of rifle shooting throughout Australia in regards to the Target Rifle Australia National Championships. The answers provided will give valuable insights to the TRA Nationals Review Committee.

TRA would like the views of people who regularly attend Nationals, occasionally attend Nationals, have attended in the past or even if you have not attended one at all.

If you would like to participate, you can fill out the form online by clicking the link below. The questionnaire will be open until the 31st August 2024.

We thank you in advance for supporting TRA by answering the questions provided and giving your thoughts.

Author: TRA